19-22 October 2004
19-22 oktober 2004
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Flanders Expo


Eco-efficiency: the prefix 'eco' makes reference to economy as well as ecology. In other words: how do you as a company supply competitively priced, good quality goods and services without in so doing, failing to give consideration to man and nature.

Click here for an online document on eco-efficiency. More online info on eco-efficiency

An island of ideas

The ecological aspect does not have to be an obstacle for companies. On the contrary, environmental protection brings in a considerable financial benefit. Eco-efficiency is therefore becoming increasingly interesting. Reason enough for Ifest to launch it as the central theme in 2004, in collaboration with the OVAM, GOM West Flanders (Home of the Flemish Economy) and ecoTips. In the exhibition hall this item will be offered on a centrally placed island of ideas with dynamic, multilingual video presentations and demonstrations.

Eco-efficiency prize

And last but not least: there will also be a competition linked to the main theme. If you can show that your company is creating surplus value in the area of eco-efficiency, then you have a chance of landing the eco-efficiency prize. Participation is offset thanks to a media campaign, an eye-catching sign on the floor of the fair and a lot of press attention. And don't forget: the prestigious award itself, a work of art from the well-known artist, Corneille!

The eco-efficiency prize is a work of art by the renowed artist Corneille (Corneille Guillaume Beverloo).
Click the picture to get a bigger image.

Registration and rules for the eco-efficiency prize

  • Download
  • the registration form for the eco-efficiency prize
  • Download
  • the rules for the eco-efficiency prize

Also in the picture: Brownfields

'Brownfields' is another phenomena to which a lot of attention will be paid during Ifest 2004. Brownfields are areas which were previously used for commercial or industrial purposes, but are now deserted and mostly highly contaminated.

Not attractive


These fallow lands are often unattractive for investors and project developers, because it is not clear how badly contaminated they are and who is responsible for the clean-up operation. Brownfields appear in all sorts of forms, from small deserted petrol stations to huge steel factories or blast furnaces. A combination of factors means that brownfields slow down economic development and hinder the revival of the neighbourhood.

Expensive development

By bringing brownfields under scrutiny at the fair, Ifest wants to indicate to its visitors the advantages of rebuilding fallow and contaminated land to become 'greenfields'. This step forms an important element in the pursuit of durable development.