Visit Ifest...
...for a fascinating programme
Read the latest news about the trade fair, the exhibitors and the programme on our website, an inexhaustible source of information.
Check out the website and be well prepared when coming to Ifest:
In the auditoria in the front building, you can attend a series of seminars. A wide range of lectures will be given on the latest developments in your own sector. The following organisations participate in the programme: TI-KVIV, VITO, Energik, VMM, IWT, OVAM, Argus (The environmental focus of KBC), VMD, OVB, Prebes, V.V.S.G.-Interafval, VNC, University of Ghent, and many others.
VLARIO STUDY MORNING (AM): What's going on underground
The sewerage sector in the spotlight, a topic for extensive presentations and discussions.
Waste and energy, more than ever in the spotlights!
In the exhibition halls, you will find nothing but experts. Among others, they will also take the floor. They will organise seminars and workshops on the exhibition floor, which is the perfect opportunity to gather the information you need about technologies and methods relating to the environment, energy and safety at work.
Obviously, you have your own opinion as well. In the exhibition hall, an eminent speaker will introduce a subject, upon which you can talk about your own experience, ideas and questions about the most diverse topics. The debates are organised in cooperation with Argus (The environmental focus of KBC). The debates take place daily, between 11.45h and 12.45h, and are free of charge.
For more extensive information and a detailed summary of the entire programme, feel free to ask for our special lecture leaflet. Send an e-mail to or contact us on 09/241 9211. Of course, you can find the very latest updates and full information on this website.
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