3. Clavi Trading bvba / Arnena bvba
Boshoek 43b, 2560 Nijlen
The latest European legislation will require the removal from the environment of as much waste material as possible, and at the same time encourage the recycling of packaging and goods. The chemical, bulk transport, plastics and fertiliser sectors make much use of flexible IBCs, better known as Big Bags. After use this expensive packaging is usually melted down or incinerated which is far from optimal for the environment. Clavi Trading recondition these bags so they are fit for re-use. Our technology makes possible the effective cleaning and re-use of the bags. The packaging is first sorted and thoroughly inspected for damage. All labels, product residues and foreign materials like grease and grit are carefully removed. After thorough washing the packaging is folded and placed on pallets. They are stacked and pressed on wooden pallets with the aid of a special press, which guarantees the optimal utilisation of transport. Recycling big bags means a reduction of environmental stress and a useful cost saving for the users of flexible IBCs.
List of the participants
AppliTek NV
Bp instruments
- Clavi Trading bvba / Arnena bvba
De Neef specialities NV
Eclipse Combustion BV
Flametech Benelux
Hemmis nv
Industrial Tank Corporation bvba
Kliko Container B.V.
METALogic nv.
Milieutechniek Int. 2000 b.v.
Omikron NV
Plastitube NV
Seghers - better tecnology for solids+air nv
VBS Machinery bvba
Kelma sprl
European environment consultants
Huck & Seghers Eco Plant
AR Diffusion